Mark Fox says the leadership candidates should admit New Labour’s real mistakes

  • 18 Jun 2011

For the first time in 13 years Labour finds itself adjusting to the problems and challenges of opposition – and they are real. It’s not just the chauffer driven cars and private office officials that have disappeared. More important – and much harder to overcome – is the lack ...

Francis Maude

  • 1 Jun 2011

If David Cameron struts centre-stage as this Government's drama continues, Francis Maude is the man perched behind the scenery with the cable cutter, sprocket remover and box end wrench. His job is to make sure that while the show carries on the lights don't go out.  As Paym...

Five Minutes with Mark Fox

  • 24 Feb 2011

To download a transcript of the interview, click here.

Theresa May Interview

  • 16 Feb 2011

Let's be plain, and put the main question first: is Theresa May up to being Home Secretary? Bright, able, and loyal - she doesn't brief against colleagues - she was a champion of party members' right to choose their leader and thus became a friend of Conservative Home. She's s...

Mark Fox explains why Conservatives are delighted with the budget

  • 22 Jun 2010

George Osborne delivered the emergency budget with confidence and clarity. He tackled the deficit head on and was clear and open about his plans. Business on the whole will be pleased that Britain now has a decisive plan to reduce the deficit, stabilise the economy and enco...

BSA aims to promote importance of outsourcing to the UK economy

  • 1 Nov 2007

Mark Fox, the new chief executive of the Business Services Association, has set out his plans for raising the profile of the BSA and the business services sector to reflects its size and importance in the national economy. In a statement to BSA members, Fox declared that "B...

House Magazine interview: What next for the opposition parties?

  • 25 Jun 2001

Joe Kimble talks to Mark Fox, the former political correpsondent of the Mail on Sunday and Sunday Exress and adviser to William Hague. To download the article click here (pdf, 154kb).